Accounting Management

Tired of managing multiple bills books and ledgers? Save effort and automate your work

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Accounting management

Enhanced Financial Oversight with Fleetx!

Efficiently add, track and manage the receivables and payables from your ERP account from vendors and clients, receive pending payment alerts, reduce operational hassle and increase transparency and productivity in your payment cycles.

Financial Oversight

Boost your financial reliability with prompt customer payments and timely vendor payments.

Client Outstanding

Seamless integration with all the operational forms for structured management of payables and receivables to provide visibility to the end user about each client and real time statuses of client payments

Client Outstanding

Accounting Statements

Get an elaborate and comprehensive analysis of your accounting statements across clients and reduce manual labor in tracking and reporting of your financial statements through other accounting processes

Accounting Statements

Ledger Management

Maps ledgers to clients, vendors and form to never miss tracking any payment, along with month and year wise segregation to view transactions in a ledger

Ledger Management

Collection Dashboard and Reports

Detailed review of your financial health through collection dashboard and reports, facilitated with an enhanced user experience, along with tools to filter data for efficient data review.

Collection Dashboard and Reports